Adhi Neeneee!!

long long ago so long ago...only i know how long ago..i was asked to give a presentation so that the faculty can time pass with me for 1-2 hrs! :D
that was supposed to be a serious presentation! conversion from MSc to PhD!
and my prof had already lost hopes in me clearing the interview after seeing my one range performance in the first semester! :P
he spoke to me for 2-3 days and told me what i shud say and asked me to prepare ppt and show it to him...which prof would do that?? he is a great man!! the readers are requested to bow once!!
he almost wrote the entire material in my notes and just asked me to present it in a creative way! he had the enthusiam, energy and lot of expectation in me that time! i confidently noded my head and said "Yess Sir!!"
2 days over!
i came ..he saw and he was captured!!
My Prof: I expected some technical creativity!
was i wrong??? common r10d!!