Essentials of Management!

As part of my forced "Transfer Knowledge Movement" i present to u guyz the first part of "Essentials of Management"
This is an 'open source' and hence the readers are free to add to the list and make the movement a success!!!
i)Keep a set of preplanned time passing methods(ways) to keep urself busy when the prof is out of station.
ii)Allot some time daily for thinking what to do in the absence of ur boss.
iii)Attend all departmental seminars and if possible seminars of some other department, stay awake for at least the first and last 15mins
first 15mins : snacks will be server
last 15mins : Q&A session (lights will be turned on)
iv)Go to library and search for books published in 1947. U'll never get those books so u might end up successfully wasting 30min in searching and 30 mins in entering and exiting the library!
v)Once in a while go to all the students in the department and ask what they are doing & verra frequently go to them and tell what u are doing! :D
vi)Make use of the printer in lab.It is a one sided printer, so take as many prints as possible. paper is urs...so in order to optimize u'll have to use the same paper twice. so as usual time waste here!

vii)if there is a computer lab with net connection,check mails,including the ones that say "fwd to 12 ppl to meet ur loved one tonite" :P - Bong

Temp Tata

Thank you


  1. if there is a computer lab with net connection,check mails,including the ones that say "fwd to 12 ppl to meet ur loved one tonite" :P
