
whattey comic copy!
i demand the beagle boys to register a complaint against the director of inception!
for the bulbing readers,just take it!
10 sec in 1st dream = 20 min in first dreams first dream = 1.5 hrs in first dreams first dreams first dream!
what if the ulta happens?? may be that was what happened to rip van winkle thatha! :D
10sec in first dreams first dreams first dream = 20 min in first dreams first dream = 1.5 hrs in 1st dream = 25 years without dreaming! :D
what if there exists a physical transformation from dream to real life?? the inception concept..and not the winkle concept!
like...in nth dream u exercise for 2 years and u wake up to see urself with a 6 packs! but u slept 30 mins ago with a family pack tummy!!
write BITSAT 100 times in dream and evaluate urself!if u can actually write the exam or lite take and get into some gen IIT's!!
it would be an interesting thought...can a person have multiple dreams?? like one as if in hell and another in heaven! and no interaction between the two!
i am yawning now!! haaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!(hands stretched and twist ittt) happpadaaa!! very relaxing now! :D
may be i'll sleep now for 685 years (10th level)!


  1. u r suposed 2 have a spoiler alert b4 the blog starts for ppl who havnt seen the movie yet...yes...they rnt extinct yet!

  2. Q : My blog site?? (answer loudly)
