derivation of the word "mokka"

the concept goes like this.....

the origin of the chola kingdom came from the work "mokkacholam"
this king was a great great fan of PJ's that he used to irritate everyone with his so called jokes!!this was the main reason y the rajan endru rajan endha rangarajan of dashavatharam was ready to jump into the sea with lord vishnu...thinking that 'to die' is far more better than listening to the kings PJ's! a committee of 11 (dont ask me y the number 11, it was a flow number and somehow matched with the total number of letters of mokkacholam) ppl was formed and they decided that to refer to the incident by the kings and rangarajans name wud inspire the king to get involved deeply and improvize on his PJ skills!so they decided to use some shortcut to this drama..think....think....think...(not u idiot...those idiots are thinking) .as they were eating "mokkacholam" during the meeting..they decided to tell their grandchildren that the family name was "chola" and what ever he did was "mokka"!
hence the funda!

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