ava neratha paathu sevakkum sevakkum veththala
ava azhaga solla vaartha kooda paththala
ada ippo ippo enakku venum anjala
ava illa illa neruppu thane nenjilaa...
My Prof: Ozhunga research vela paaruda bemani!
a e i o U...uncle is meant for U
33 reasons to accept uncle as ur wuduppi! or in the weak sense baai friend!
correction..its baaai..not bhai or any other thing!mind it!
1. Low cost maintanance
2. Washes his own clothes
3. Absent mindedness..and hence washes others cloths also thinking that they are his.
4. He doesn't fart in public, and hence gives shitty ideas! :D

5. A one range fundoo.
6. Can read any book and understand anything, practical implementation...aborted!
7. Always carries an umbrella, raincoat,vicks,crocin,iodex and benedryl.
8. Doesn't shop much, so u can have the cash and ask him to use credit card (ofcourse his).
9. Laughs to almost any joke..so u need not be embarrased alone in the public.jodi no 1 is there to share the thuppals!
10. Wears 'old is gold' kohlapur chappals (u can get these for free in woodland showroom)...
(junta..just fake raha hoon..dont try ur luck at woodlands store! :D).
11. No fear of ghosts entering home..iskaa 'aa aa aa aaa' sunke they'll "vidi jooott"!
12. A strict vegeratian..somewhere near the corner there are eggs!
13. Gives shelter to the needy...apparently 5 boys are staying in his room.
14. Never hurts u, infact cant hurt u (in the physical sense).
15. clarification regarding point 13...uncle is not g** (beeep)!
16. A mobile mini medical shop..verra frequently attacked by 'common' illness so he carries the tablets with him.
17. Brooms his room often.
18. Bargaining allowed for cleaning others rooms.
19. height 5.5 and so reymond suit ka cloth bacha sakthe hai!
20. U can take your own time in dressing for an occassion..no matter how much time u take, uncle will always be atleast 5 mins late!
21. Doesn't smoke/drink (assuming that most of the girlie girlie girls like ppl who dont drink/smoke).
22. Doesn't know how to use a laptop, so u can have his lappy forever.
(for readers info, his current tablet laptop is being used as a paper weight in his hostel(room). hostel because 5 ppl are staying :D
23. No need for the ribbon cloth while playing "kannamoochi". Remove the specs and he cant see! :D
24. He gives his own vehicle to you and walks.
25. Knows how to control emotions of others..for example mario,dos version of pop, etc
26. Doesn't give proper introduction to the guyz he knows...so u are always in a 'one man' safe hands!
27. Quarter centuary over and still no GF and still a **gin(beeep!)
28. Expert in pakana...not in the literal sense! i think he knows how to boil egg in water!
29. Can solve ur assignment problems.
30. Can also make u forget ur little personal life problems...ofcourse by creating more!
(i hope many hopless readers out there know this...the best way to shorten a line is to draw a bigger line beside it!)
31. Doesn't play any outdoor game...so not spending money on sports items!
32. Has 3 bank accounts and 2 ATM cards (dont ask abt the third one).
33. Frequently visits his home..so he can be ur personal BLUE DART!
the list will be updated every 3 days...(conditions apply)
i wont be surprised if uncle mails me a few points! :D
IISc....world class??
Melcowe to the R warald!
Long long ago so long ago..there lived this creature called timmy!
(btw timmy is the pet of my friend karthick...apology...timmy is the petname of my friend karthick)
the only reason he went abroad to do PhD is that he can loose THAT something!
YESS...that rhymes with gin!:D
he had 2 supervisors and they used to sit on this frying pan and switch on the thermostat daily! (tried saying..."they are hot!!")
here is the conversation with his sup garam girl!
she: karthick, you got a new room to work..Hope its convenient for you.
me: yes, mam .its very good.
after some conversations
she: do you want some french movies?
me: what? movies!!!!
she: yes, movies to learn french and you can get to know the french culture.
me: ohh..sure..i really like it..
last five minutes of conversation
she: ok, Now whats the progress since last week...
me: yes, I got the credit card and bought a new sports bicycle.
she: i meant the progress in your research..
me: ahh..
she: read these papers and meet me next week..you must do some simulations after this.
me: ok..
finally he got only the papers and not the movies! :D
whattey R world we are in!
for the mega bulbing hopeless readers...R means Research! :P
balliyaar kanavu!
On April 23rd me and bhargavi joined JP Morgan. It was a verra naansense feeling...me the gethu research scholar and she the naansense MMS stu!
finance class...
sat in the last bench..we both.there were 6 rows and 11 columns of benches in the class.next to our bench there were two girls....i forgot to wear my specs..so thought that they might be super figs! and so we went to the last bench!
the hopeless vishayam ennanaa....there were only 4 ppl in the class! whattey!:D
and the mega disappointment is that the names of those girls were sowmya and aishwarya! :(
class started....
prof/profeee came and started to teach how to solve AX=B!!
matrix evaluation in a finance class???
we were as usual one range bulbing!
after 11 mins of class,
bhargavi suggested (throwing her ego to dogs) that we ask sori how the devils sentence (matrix equation) is solved!
aish: u ppl shud got to LKG...hehe...ur foundation is weak!!
(aish and sowmya...girlie girlie giggle)
aish:that is the binomial theorem guyz...it'll be taught later in the class
now....u might have guessed what happened after that....
enter the dragon....bong joined us in
:O :O :O - ing ( I mean bulbing :D)
woke up!!
-the lizard
Sundar's 4 laws of past/present/post teenage
1. ee vayasulo pandhi pilla kooda figure laaga kanipisthundhi!
(for the gult challanged ppl...in this age even a piglet will appear as a figure)
2. ppl who claim they are busy are either really busy ground-nutting or busy doing NOTHING!
3. u'll never say everything that u know!
4. (the third law!)
neeyum kadavul illa ..naanum kadavul illa...aana namma ullu kulla irukardu dhaan kadavul....idu anda kadavul ku dhaan theriyumm...idu enakkum theriyum...hence Naan Kadavul - balli
u aren't god ..me also not a god...but god is within us....this only god knows...i know this...hence I AM GOD - lizard
photo peeks it all!!
Ice Age - Department of Civil Engineering, IISc
I thought u were a feemaaale!!!
This is the end of sid the sloth!
ohh its a boy!!..(thats its tail)..its a girl!!

Sid: mahesh
aaaa aaa aaaaa
the name is buckk! short for buckminster..and long for baaa!
u dont need the calories! :D
Buck: digvijay
Ohh you really gave daddy a scare!
Daddy got silly.daddy fall down cliff and go,
boom, boom, boom.boom Silly daddy..vyaaaaaa!!
stop laughing all of u...what is rule number one...ehehehe!
kucikuchi koooo...
Round is good! Round is foxyyy! :D

Manny: anup
Lets give him a gold star....kid of the week!
Scratch Scratch Scratch!(in the back view)
Uaaaaa Uaaaaaa!chippa in the mouth!

Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko: pavan, nitin and jayesh
This is my kind of world!
mmmm....this is not poison!!
u have to trust me!
ooooww..my paws are burning baby..i have tip toes...tip toe tip toe!
no no that last time i caught my eye with the claw..alright i am not made of stone!
Diego: sundar
Some thadi moments-just wet it baby!
"which one is better?? second or third??"
and me like a bhek fellow showed the t-cup and said "T??" his face became small!!
all my labmates disowned me..koi bhi idhar dhek nahi raha hai...sab idhar udhar dhekne lage! :(
some of them paka paka laughed i suppose! :D
after that the chairman made it explicit..."i am talking about the symposium"..
he looked at me and said "did u get it now??"
Me: "yess sirrr"
this happened in the "sing the song" session of my labmate!
she as usual one range sang the song and we clap ittt!!
after the program i saw my labmate writing something in an elderly person's notebook.
she actually wrote her email id in that book...
in the flow...
i came and stretched my hand and asked my labmate for an autograph!
that elderly person thought-these guyz think that i am taking autograph from their labmate?!
and said with a ego-irritated expression
"me autograph nahi le raha hoon..uskeliye bahut time hai!"
is it wrong if a professional singer takes autograph from a less professional singer?? i dont know!!
some colloquium in the department!
me as usual went for the OC chai and biscuits! less ppl came so no tensions got a lot of biscuits! :D
colloquium was supposed to start at 11:00 AM. we came into the hall after having the snacks b4 11. Professor asked what time it was; i replied 3 more minutes sir!! did i say something that shudn't have been said?? anyways...the ppl waited for 1 min...sir came next to me and dheked my watch. 2 more minutes! :D (i dint say this ..please aaaa)
he waited for one more minute....saw me and said "can we start now sir??" i thought of saying one more minute sir! but u know what...the elderly person in the second paragraph is this professors wife...adhan intelligently kept quiet!!
vayasaana kaalathule y damage the couple...u tell me! :D
Atleast the readers aren't disowning me!
the reason: ifstlto
Ellehe yedava nasa!
this and this...but end up with this this and this!
what makes this day so special?? the very usage of the word "special"! (whattey..please laugh)
i've been booking the face of people on the nippu-nakka (true translation of firefox)
for one hour and said to myself "what a bloody way to pass on the time!!"
some random idiot always uploads some video which i cant ignore(u c i am for the ppl)
some fellow comments on my photo and i cant stop licking it... :O liking it! :D
was in love with this book! excellent! likoo liku!
the journal papers i was reading till then went into the paathaalam! and i kept on
F5-ing to check if someone said something funny!
fortuantely this feeling dint last long...
something changed after my chai session today evening at 3! yes we break ourselves every 2 hrs!
i wondered for exactly 11 seconds (yesss...the majic mokkacholam number!)
10 mins of chai session can actually represent millions of facebook ROFL's, LOL's, LIKE's, COMMENT's!!
a wonderful feeling!!
life is a reality...live it!
aal these naansense ppl say that they are busy! and on facebook keko keeka...updates every 1 hr!
(1 hr is too much...but still the mean may be taken to be one hr and the variance goes to days and months,now the time doesn't go to negative side...since this is a lognormal distribution :P)
men fall for the temporary KICK that C2H5OH gives,
forgetting that only H20 can save them from fire accidents! :D
u can't create permanent original pure entertainment through social networking..
it shud be natural flow of feelings! (just like this blog)
happiness is like a punch dialogue
"adhelam thaanavae varanum, kaeta vara kudadhu" - Buffalo
(it shud come by its own, if u ask u shouldn't get)
-the King

Uncle the Penkull!!
Aaal abt osama bin uncle!
uncle as the name suggests is an old man, with the character of a second standard girl!(dont get confused..he is a male version of a female)
therez nothing great abt this person , except that he has dynamic short term memory! dynamic because his "forgetful-ness" can range from few seconds to few years! (dont worry abt this statement, as a matter of fact abt what ever i am going to type here)
just now i got a call from him..
Uncle: are sundar....(long gap, he waits till i say haaan)
Me: Haan bol re
Uncle: tu kidar hai?
Me: Lab me
Uncle: to mere deskspace me mera specs hai kya..dheknaa!!
Me: Nahi re :(
Uncle: to toilet me jaake dheko?
Me: (Whatt????)
Me: Nahi re!
this is not the first time this happened...u tell me..how can one forget specs
and uska number hai infinity ke aaspaas! :D
a one range fundoo who has a good voice!
(gentlemen and woman just voice and am not talking abt songs)
i have never seem him hurt any creature and thats the reason he doesn't even use
taartaaise mosquito coil in his room! as the animal rights people say
"every animal has the right to be tasty", our uncle says
"every mosquito has the right to taste his blood"!
Science barks that phemale mosquitoes bite bite and hence our uncle has
a soft corner towards them!
an ardent fan of lata, he tortures everyone not only by singing her songs,
but by making others listen to those songs on youtube! whattey pity! :(
one reason for his low CG (6.5/8.0) is because of his unique style of ghoting!
just like the kiwi bird! doesn't take a back step...if he doesn't understand any line, he reads the whole paragraph again and again..till he understands that naansense line...sometimes the "english" language itself is a big problem and he is old enuf to get confused in differentiating between technical statements and masala statements in the middle :D
always smiling always singing always 100% naansense wherever he goes!
truely a perfect 'kaku's kaka'! :D ! unfortunate to have a friend like him!

i demand the beagle boys to register a complaint against the director of inception!
for the bulbing readers,just take it!
10 sec in 1st dream = 20 min in first dreams first dream = 1.5 hrs in first dreams first dreams first dream!
what if the ulta happens?? may be that was what happened to rip van winkle thatha! :D
10sec in first dreams first dreams first dream = 20 min in first dreams first dream = 1.5 hrs in 1st dream = 25 years without dreaming! :D
what if there exists a physical transformation from dream to real life?? the inception concept..and not the winkle concept!
like...in nth dream u exercise for 2 years and u wake up to see urself with a 6 packs! but u slept 30 mins ago with a family pack tummy!!
write BITSAT 100 times in dream and evaluate urself!if u can actually write the exam or lite take and get into some gen IIT's!!
it would be an interesting thought...can a person have multiple dreams?? like one as if in hell and another in heaven! and no interaction between the two!
i am yawning now!! haaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!(hands stretched and twist ittt) happpadaaa!! very relaxing now! :D
may be i'll sleep now for 685 years (10th level)!
What the 54??!!!?
My darlings movie..many call it a english version of vijayashanti movie..i dont care!!bloody!!
SALT-a really sweet movie with the spicy Jolie! (readers are requested to assume a blushed version of me! :D).
presenting to you-- PEPPER!!
the Sodium Iodide Sowmya! (with the NaI sekhar vadivel effect :P)
lot of confessions, lot of tragedy and lot of feelings put together made an amazing trip to bheemeswari and sivasamudram!
the star of the trip was pepper who dint even bother to fight/argue with the cab driver!
she literally spoke to him as if he was her slave..mmm... not slave eggjacktly..u can take it to be H!
someone called me for the trip and it ended in me arranging the trip! whattey naansense! and i had to trouble one of
the "theru payya" to book the cab for me!
some silly moments:
Situation: CG just got into the waater!
after 1 min...
CG : Everything inside is getting wett!! haha hahaha hahahah
Kayal :dei CG ur mobile is also inside!!
CG : :O wait.....
CG : Yess....indeed!!my mobile also got wet! :D
(celebrations all over!!)
My love is gone....my love is gone...
all the girlie girlie galz jump out of the water! :D
(appidi paadina who else will stay :P)
sarma's ekalavya reloaded!
now the doubt is --- is he grown up ??! ;)
waaaaw whattteeyyyy maannnnnn!!!....woooooo mannn???!!!??? :O
CG's romantic look...(at his stone and water washed naaKIA!)
Aish's shrek donkey effect! (look at the snap below)
Brothers lonely John Abraham walk!
Peppers pepparapaeee feelings! :D (video available..please contact the writer)
and ofcourse my "adhoo andha paravai pola..." MGR effect!
the blog as expected is incomplete...F1 F1 F1!

Futsal-back to the original form!
a Street Guyz futsal team was formed and after we reached the ground, deepak anna nominated me as the captain! :D team strategy meeting!
"machan we'll finish off the game and go to mess quickly!"
"seri da macha seri da"
"we are seven ppl and only 5 ppl are allowed inside the ground! what shall we do???"
"no tensions da..we'll very rarely get a chance to touch the ball, when we get just kick it
out! and the player also goes off the field along with the ball...eppideeee???"
"gethu pa nee!!"
(naansense readers please dont get confused, in futsal unlimited number of substitutions allowed)
the "self goal" concept we have already implemented in the seven's cup and so we thought of trying not to do that again! Street Guyz aren't used to loosing games in similar fashion! some kanfusion in the middle...players are asked to come in their own uniform! flow la 6 of us came in grey costume, one person in red! what to do now??? ofcourse u mokka fellows will say that ask that fellow to stay out and play with the remaining 6 ppl...but u know what...we did the same thing! :D when the red shirt player was required ... change the t-shirt in the field while running! no girl would dare to come to watch out match so no tensions in doing that! except that the opposite team and umpires (or is it refree???whatever!)felt uncomfortable :P
in the begining of the match someone asked me what a magic number means!! take it the 11+1 was my answerrr!! and ya it was 12 exactly....not a epsilon more or less!
me the goli goli! and left 5 goals! :D
better than my friend who left 7 goals! and i am ashamed of that! cha..i couldn't be a topper even in this...eppadhan naan topper becoming!....such a shame! and ya...for mathematically challenged ppl...5+7 makes the magic number 12! :D
we as usual WON a defeat! and ofcourse few hearts from the spectators!
we sacked out the previous coach and appointed BOSS as our new manager!(any game any country anywhere, u loose, chuck chuck the coach!...shame to shame strategy followed).
before our snap session could get over, another match began and within 5 mins one team hit a goal and started to celebrate!
"naanga paakaadha goal-aaa??? pakkathula ninnute paathom-la! sillithanama these fellows celebrating for a single goal...illeterate fellows!"
readers are requested to go thru this blog (recent street guy entry!)
shanmuga sundar!
I'm just a travelling soldier!!
if u have skipped this video please go thru' it naansense!
now did u get the feel of the feelings of the hero for the
sonali sonali bendre???
travel in
1 own car+trusktruck+mami's kinetic honda+gypsy+running+
middle la helping one person+romantic dance+again runnning+
waiting+bullet+tractor+running&jumping+asking+running and finally
water seeing and stoping!
the same thing happend to me few days ago!
saw her for the last time while getting in to the auto,
suddenly realized that she is in THE auto, threw my bag down
(infact i was carrying my friends bag, so dint hesitate to throw
that down) and ran behind the auto (with the cheliya cheliya chey
jaari ellake mujic as background). on the way i saw a person selling
malli flower, thought of stealing the cycle from him! but then small feeling
"agar ye mere ko pakad ke khundhal khundhal karke maara to??"
feelings stopped!
on the way...
106/minute was my heart beat
101/143 my BP
will i be able to stop the auto?? can i see her again..desperation!!
no tears...only heavy breath!
its been nearly 25 years since i jogged in the morning and that too
without professionally brushing my teeth!
legs were paining....i was totally a dark person that day,wearing a black jeans
and black t-shirt...no shoes!
now i understand how difficult it is to "run away" with a girl on road!
finally just like our hero stopped after looking at the water and boat, i stopped
after i saw the autostand and auto.
from a distance i can see her sitting in the auto! slow motion-la went near the auto!
she looked like a new air-force suitcase (i know the comparison is weird...
but u c i am THE Street Guy!)!!
and brought her back to the place where she belong (with the john abraham walk)!!
Pirates of IISc!
Well few years ago a bunch of monkeys got registered in IISc. What started as a time pass relation bloomed to be a one range bond strong enuf to disprove Newtons law of gravity! U jump from a 10 storey building, u are sure to die, does that mean that u'll really jump and see if u die?? this is the very analogy we use in disproving Newtons law! We can but we wont!
Street Guyz literally translates to be 'theru pasanga'. When Back Street Boyz are able to produce mega hits and steal millions of hearts, why cant Street Guyz do the same! please question our answer?..or the other way??? never mind!
We claim that we are not interested in spending time lacha-ing with girls! but unmai ennanaaa....none could get one! :D or none is capable of getting one..be it a friend also! this being the common point among us made us close (not in the physical sense naansense). Never did we think about the exams we flunked, never about the games we lost (ofcourse we lost almost all the games we played :P), the family problems we had or the research tensions we had when we were together!laugh laugh and keep laughing is what we followed throughout these years! there were ppl who asked "How come u bunch of monkeys got admission into IISc??" in the literal sense!
Is it wrong if we egoless creatures talk to eveyone jovially?? Does initiating a talk or a lacha session with a stranger mean that we are less in potential or talent and we desperately wanted to be in their company?? I dont know!!!
Anyways let’s not discuss those things here! Now its sem ending and some of the original street guyz are leaving the campus! And we are very happy to miss them! probably forever! :P (happada!!some saturns are leaving)
This writeup is to proudly inaugurate the "Pirates of IISc" started by Streey Guyz! Mama had the idea and was well supported by the remaining Street Guyz...we rock mannn!!we are not sure of maintaining it properly..but just "gethu" kaaga we are doing this!
the first video is about private life of research scholars!
u can download them from OUR repo. galti se if u get impressed and wanted to share it with ur STD or ISD friends, here are the youtube links!
some of the StreetGuyz have the habit of usefully wasting time in writing blogs! 2 of the hopeless ppl can be found here!
We Street Guyz
Best way to defeat defeat is to make it a habit!
-Street Guyz!
Dare to dream!
pandaram in pandora!!
aaahuuuuuuuu ahuuuuu ahuuuuuu (with the 300 movie effect) (dont think too much..the number is 1 divided by the square of zero or zero power zero..whatever)
after being bewarse, i thought y not take up the initive of linking the two worlds..in crude language..y cant i take up a part time mama work in order to save the human race!! there has been lot of racial discrimination in this bloody world!
y not link to pandora (ofcourse ppl with long hair only can do that! :D) and c what happens?? the mission has been started as already mentioned with the theme of interplanetary matrimony!
..........with the street guyz background mujic!!!
pandora is a place full of chigucha chingucha kalars! ppl are blue and green...in our earth, teachers beat us blue and green!(or is it black and blue???) please dont interpret that-
"adivaangina erumaigal ellam pandora poi kuduthanam vechitangala???"
guyz are called pandara's and garals pandaram's! they aaave long hair...any communication is through hair attachment! and so the less hair ppl have been taken to the edge of pandora and kicked back to earth! thus...we are a huge collection of 'got kicked' ppl! they have not only kicked us..but hammered us..adhan most of us are short! :P
the very invention of aeroplane (as someone's dad said that opposite of aeroplane is erangoplane) came from the idea of flying birds in pandora...
indian airlines from those birds and british airlines from toruk! makto's equivalent word is pilot in our planet! and toruk makto = kalpana chawla! kind of ppl!(not necessarily of that gender)
"pandora is my planet and i shall get it!"...in weak sense atleast some ppl! shud be the slogan of every living citizen(be it a dog also..no tensions) on 'our' planet! and now its time for u readers to stone ur hearts and make a honorable pledge that
u guyz are going to read the entire story............kilick here
Note: Buffalo is not ready with her script..so the routine boring readers are requested to wait for few T! where T goes from 0 to 628853! :D units are seconds not donkeys!
Thus spake Sundar the King of m17 on Election...
thy shall not go by the way one behaves
thy shall not go by the way one talks
thy shall not go by the way one smiles
thy shall not go by the way one cries
thy shall not go by the way one enjoys life
thy shall always go by the "character and attitude"
thy shall have trust on the person who "dares to dream"
thy shall believe a person who has the guts to utilize the "freedom of speech"
thy shall entertain a person who is "fearless"
aaal this is naansense...just vote for deepak and srinidhi! :D
Adhi Neeneee!!
that was supposed to be a serious presentation! conversion from MSc to PhD!
and my prof had already lost hopes in me clearing the interview after seeing my one range performance in the first semester! :P
he spoke to me for 2-3 days and told me what i shud say and asked me to prepare ppt and show it to him...which prof would do that?? he is a great man!! the readers are requested to bow once!!
he almost wrote the entire material in my notes and just asked me to present it in a creative way! he had the enthusiam, energy and lot of expectation in me that time! i confidently noded my head and said "Yess Sir!!"
2 days over!
i came ..he saw and he was captured!!
My Prof: I expected some technical creativity!
was i wrong??? common r10d!!
Mutton biriyani maker to maida making manager!
first things first...how can one become a manager??
there are lot of answers but i choose my answers and declare them as right!
anthaa naa ishtam...yeda peda em chesinaa adigedhi evarraa?? naa ishtam!!(some of u can dance for a while..i give u 11 seconds!)
CAT two to three times to qualify and 3-4 times to clear the interview and then if u are lucky u can get into IIM's for they have the highest reservation for general category students! 50% !!
are there any reservations for getting a job in google?? or getting married to a yahoo employee??
anyways enga irukkom??...haaann...near the dogs enemy!!
tell me about urself..
I am the king from andhra, i can speak 4 languages, write in 3 languages, boothulu thittify in 6 languages, i listen to mujic..aaal mujic(i mean not literally aal music...the listenable type...ohh no... meaning of listenable vaires from person to person...cha!)...no reservations for particular mujic!
i play inside door and outside door games!
i gaat prathibha awaard for gen enthu exams i passed in 12th and shame to shame scholl for kuppa kotting 4 years in BITS!(someone asked if i was from bharathi institute of technology and science, cha, such a shame, Birla nu solli tholingada from next time :( )
my haabies are watching TV..specially cookery shows!
i am istrong in _____ and ______ and also _______!(blanks not to be filled by the readers).
this is what any broken mouth gult will tell in any interview(company or coll)
interviewer(s): wakey...what is AP famous for??
Sir, it is phamous for rice sir..spicy spicy raaaaice! second largest philm industry in india sir! hussain saagar there sir..and even i am there sir :O!
interviewer1: waat is telugu film industry called?
interviewr2: what is bengali film industry called?
no idea sirji!
interview1: it is also called tollywood
(all laugh laugh...till someone who actually dint follow the conversation stop laughing....now,dont worry,while typing i dint know what i was typing! :D)
interviewer1:tell me the woods u know?? other than sherkhan woods!
tollywood,kollywood,bollywood,holywood...mmm..mmmm.mmmm...aaaaan sandalwoooddd!!!
interviewer2:u said u dhek cookery shows...tell me the making of some spicy diss of andhraa.
Mutton biriyaani saaar, boil the goat and rice firstthen take the kadaai, put ___,____ and dash in that!
#$^#$& #%^*& #%^* @#$^ $&^% &*@$#!^%N* @&% @%$ *&(@$^! %!# ^%^& *& ^&@&
add some garlic and ginger paste..then !#$ #^$^&*(() )#@$ ~@#%^%$&^& ^#&
thats alll....biriyaani ready!! ooh sorry between the second and third step u shud add saalt! :P
aeeeggjacktly!! this is what happen(s)(ed) in IIM interview!!
"trustttt the power of half"!...this is sujams half and not the quarter's half! :D
pleasee aaa!!
Yeiii aatha aathoramaa vaariyaa????
today we had a genTHU (gen+enthu=genTHU, erumai maadu samasamu) discuxion regarding power cut!
while walking to the mess, suddenly campus la power cut, are some timepass terrorists going to attack IISc??
actually whats the use of them attacking the institute. as far as minimum common sense is concerned, they attack the most crowded places! i will tell you some reasons why IISc is a safe place!
1) Physics department, magical maze, u enter from one door ..that door leads to many doors, the naansense is that that is the only door which is the entry and exit! so if the terrr plant the bomb in this department, 100% sure he also "in the airrrrrrrrrrr"
2) Physical Chemisty departments, can a human being resist the fragrance of those labs??? atleast i cant! and moreover professional terrorists wear the masks, so b4 placing the bomb itself, he'll die of suffocation!
3) "Library me bomb blast!! 3243 books partially burnt" will be the head lines if they plan for an explosion in library! :D
4) Engineering departments are far far away from the entrance, anyways they'll be disappointed to see no one in the departments so they wont take the risk of attacking any engineering division.
5) The diro,registrar and co dont know what they would be doing or where they would be staying at any point of time...so no point in targeting them!
6) "Prakruthi","T-board" and "gymcafe" are the places where u can find many ppl..but after so many disappointments and no proper food in the mess, the terrorists would want to have some thing here...so on some idiotic proverb basis, they will not destroy these two+one=three places!
7) No temples in the campus..and there is one hanuman temple outside the campus. how will a bachelor help in love matters! u tell me! (terrorist gets mentally upset).
8) No steps to climb the clock tower..so he cant climb and commit suicide here! :(
9) Students in IISc have more hair and beard and the girls here are stronger than men (physically and mentally) so no one would try a "human bomb" concept! :P
10) U need to be qualified in any of the following examinations to enter the campus! :P
GATE,IISc entrance, CSIR etc.,
11) After seeing the fightings between prof and student, they'll think that killing them will only make them happy..let them fight like this only! haaannn!! :calm
readers are requested to vijit the campus and personally verify the details (in case of disagreement).
and...andha paatu sema kuttha irukku!!!
Whattey League! Hurryyyy!
flash news says that IPL is next to NBA in salaries! :O
btw why did hockey become out national game..was it because we won one hockey world cup and so self declared it as a national game? :O
anyways lite take, let us not bother about that!
since there are lot of companies that are unable to save money and are sponsoring naansense ppl, we thought of a brilliant idea of starting the same and generate revenue for out future plans..lot of plans....start a company/do post doc/go to pandora/world tour/....!
we have gained confidence and support from out RPL (R-Block Premier League) and emathified one person that we would be taking over zimbabwe the next year!
now we are planning for Bangalore Premier League or Bengaluru Godavalu Prathyaksha Prasaram! (IPL la fightings dhane happening..so feelings true translation).
The teams were formed and we are waiting for the sponsors to sponz the teams!
1. Yeshwanthput Night Riders
2. Majestic Super Queens
3. Mathikere Manga's
4. Jayanagar Gaints
5. Koramangala Korangi's
6. Malleshwaram Marams
7. Electronic Elichavaays
8. Garuda Govinda's
9. Mantri Mall Monkeys
10. Hebbal Azhagi's
11. IISc Goyyalaka's
the rules are simple..
a) each team consists of 8 players+3 subs (there is only one sub in r10d nu mokka podaadhinga :x)+ 1 ball boy+ no coach(dhanda soru).
b) no kannada actor should own any team( we respect the feelings of human beings, poster laye paaka mudiyaadhu...idhula live telecast na lot of social issues will arise..these shall not be discussed here, the readers are requested to send in personal mails to know more abt these).
c) buying of players are subject to terms and conditions which shall be disclosed once the owners identify themselves (gen enthu venum na...i can say that no owner is allowed to buy for more than 36 Cr).
d) owners shall get their own cheerleaders(non-indians)...srilanka and pakisthan bhi chaltha hai).
e) all matches shall be played in IISc, with an option of whether the teams will play cricket or football depending upon toss and the availability of ground.(we encourage all sports). Roulette wheel based game decisions are under consideration with cricket,football,volleyball,gilli-danda,goli,carrom,chess,throwball,wrestle mania as potential games.
f) regarding the players, 2 gults+2 illads+1 kannadiga+1 mallu+1 marathi+2 rajasthani's (insti quota)+some time pass 2 General category + 1 STD as a ball boy.(no bosho bosho bongs please)
the remaining rules and regulations shall be posted in next to next to next blog...or may not be posted at all..after all this is my blog! democracy! :P thats all for now...thank you for tuning in! now get lost!
for streetguyz
Dr. Sundar! (year 2013)
talk less...dont work!!!
one bhek fellow intelligently used to write paatalu..direct aa singithae emavuthundho aadiki thelusu..and he is absconding as of now. i expect him to be fasting somewhere near the necklace road koovam!
and then the dhol!the slim ramp walk remi (remo's female version)! half centuary over out of which only few can be understood or rather read! because lot of that naansense is really a naansense which a gaussian reader cannot understand!sigh garfield,clip vesuko thesuko and then chatuko,1000 elephants ekku and pongal thinu,love the airtel customer care,fattest fat weddings..totally a pozhapuless garal i shud say!!
inka last lo thinu...the episode girl! first two as usual good..last either missing or mokka!video the colorblind, roll the model, eat the chicken and kick the rukk are some of her coals!
this is just a gen enthu blog...readers are requested to send in their feedback only throug mails and postings...live attack and ear damaging regarding this blog will not be entertained/appreciated!