Melcowe to the R warald!

Read this...sorry click this! mmmm now read this!
Long long ago so long ago..there lived this creature called timmy!
(btw timmy is the pet of my friend karthick...apology...timmy is the petname of my friend karthick)
the only reason he went abroad to do PhD is that he can loose THAT something!
YESS...that rhymes with gin!:D
he had 2 supervisors and they used to sit on this frying pan and switch on the thermostat daily! (tried saying..."they are hot!!")
here is the conversation with his sup garam girl!

she: karthick, you got a new room to work..Hope its convenient for you.
me: yes, mam .its very good.
after some conversations
she: do you want some french movies?
me: what? movies!!!!
she: yes, movies to learn french and you can get to know the french culture.
me: ohh..sure..i really like it..
last five minutes of conversation
she: ok, Now whats the progress since last week...
me: yes, I got the credit card and bought a new sports bicycle.
she: i meant the progress in your research..
me: ahh..
she: read these papers and meet me next week..you must do some simulations after this.
me: ok..

finally he got only the papers and not the movies! :D
whattey R world we are in!

for the mega bulbing hopeless readers...R means Research! :P



  1. cha R world na Ramya World nu nenachaen...cha cha!

  2. verra good!
    so u are the chosen
    "mega bulbing hopeless reader"!!
    congrats both of U! :D +1
