Ice Age - Department of Civil Engineering, IISc

This is what r10d-ites do when they get bored! :D

I thought u were a feemaaale!!!
This is the end of sid the sloth!
ohh its a boy!!..(thats its tail)..its a girl!!

Sid: mahesh

aaaa aaa aaaaa


the name is buckk! short for buckminster..and long for baaa!
u dont need the calories! :D

Buck: digvijay

Ohh you really gave daddy a scare!
Daddy got silly.daddy fall down cliff and go,
boom, boom, boom.boom Silly daddy..vyaaaaaa!!
stop laughing all of u...what is rule number one...ehehehe!
kucikuchi koooo...
Round is good! Round is foxyyy! :D

Manny: anup

Lets give him a gold star....kid of the week!
Scratch Scratch Scratch!(in the back view)
Uaaaaa Uaaaaaa!chippa in the mouth!

Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko: pavan, nitin and jayesh

This is my kind of world!
mmmm....this is not poison!!
u have to trust me!
ooooww..my paws are burning baby..i have tip toes...tip toe tip toe!
no no that last time i caught my eye with the claw..alright i am not made of stone!

Diego: sundar



  1. Hey.... you missed crash and eddie.
    Also scratt and scratte.... :D
    Ask manny where he left ellie... ;)

    And RUDY? What am I supposed to do now? :D :D :D

  2. nominations nahi hai :( ! such a shame!

  3. reyy..endhira aan meesalu...simha inspirationaaaa???

  4. ya nite nidra raakapothe ganta sepu goka!!wing lo andharu kevv annaru aa sound ki! :D
    mission accomplished!

  5. Awesome !!! Awesome !!! Awesome !!!
