if u have skipped this video please go thru' it naansense!
now did u get the feel of the feelings of the hero for the
sonali sonali bendre???
travel in
1 own car+trusktruck+mami's kinetic honda+gypsy+running+
middle la helping one person+romantic dance+again runnning+
waiting+bullet+tractor+running&jumping+asking+running and finally
water seeing and stoping!
the same thing happend to me few days ago!
saw her for the last time while getting in to the auto,
suddenly realized that she is in THE auto, threw my bag down
(infact i was carrying my friends bag, so dint hesitate to throw
that down) and ran behind the auto (with the cheliya cheliya chey
jaari ellake mujic as background). on the way i saw a person selling
malli flower, thought of stealing the cycle from him! but then small feeling
"agar ye mere ko pakad ke khundhal khundhal karke maara to??"
feelings stopped!
on the way...
106/minute was my heart beat
101/143 my BP
will i be able to stop the auto?? can i see her again..desperation!!
no tears...only heavy breath!
its been nearly 25 years since i jogged in the morning and that too
without professionally brushing my teeth!
legs were paining....i was totally a dark person that day,wearing a black jeans
and black shoes!
now i understand how difficult it is to "run away" with a girl on road!
finally just like our hero stopped after looking at the water and boat, i stopped
after i saw the autostand and auto.
from a distance i can see her sitting in the auto! slow motion-la went near the auto!
she looked like a new air-force suitcase (i know the comparison is weird...
but u c i am THE Street Guy!)!!
and brought her back to the place where she belong (with the john abraham walk)!!