"Hey i am going to urvashi theatre this sunday to watch avatar!" said one of my friends last friday,by the time i decided to watch the movie, the tickets got over! so with the intention of watching some movie, i went to the first day 3rd show of the movie......yess...some of the readers are right! The wild Hunter- Vettaikaaran! Ilaya Dalapathi...Jindabaad!
Booked tickets for Avatar movie! great success..u know i have the freedom to go to the movies even on weekdays! democracy--as i say!
Monday gone...we were with one range enthusiasm to watch the first 3D movie of our life! :hee
Lot of mokka discussions between us...
shud wear our regular specs while watching the movie?
Is it Ok if we sit in the first row?? will it make any difference??
What is the material of construction of the specs?
Can we start a 3D company for making specs?
and lot more of these....
The day before the day, one of the persons backs out!
next.....pressure builds upon...what to do????
finallyu....convinced a girl for the movie...
was a bit of hardwork, but never mind it!!
11 PM chai session...very quick discussion reg the movie
nite 12 over! show day came (wednesday!! hurray!!)
wednesday morning 1:20 AM, i took out the ticket and started to get back to room. Just before leaving the lab, uncle wanted to have a look at the ticket! He saw and was silent! Next the bhek mahesh saw the ticket and he also kept quite! I saw the ticket and asked y they are quite! They shouted at me saying that 22nd was the show date...
Me: "so what??....wait....what is today???(in the literal sense...not the concept that only when u sleep and wake up u feel u are into the next day)".
I then took out my Eeeeeeeee51 and convinced myself that the day we had the mokka discussion was the day we were supposed to clear all our doubts regarding the 3D glasses! :P
hmph! what a dayy!!
1. one person backing out for the movie that we already missed.
2. nite 11 ku convincing a person to come for the movie the next day..and that too morning!
3. I booked 5 tickets, one ticket i booked for a person without even informing that we are going for the movie.
4. i sent the details of the tickets to the remaining two fellows who dint even bother to go thru' it.
5. 1000 tickets + convinience charge 75 bokka!
And so the kartha KARMA and kriya for what ever happened were we the 3 idiots! The KING being THE proud leader!!